SEND Interventions


Students at our school have a range of complex and differing needs; within our SEN Department we aim to understand and address these needs directly. We offer a wide range of one to one and small group intervention, with the intention to help our students face their difficulties and develop their skills with specialised programmes.


Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the students in their class. Quality first teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. This will be differentiated for individual students.


We also provide the following targeted interventions where identified:


Social Skills Development

Social Skills intervention is delivered to students in both KS3 and KS4 who deal with social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Using Talkabout for Teenagers, a complete program offering a hierarchical approach to teaching social and relationship skills to teenagers. Designed specifically for teenagers, this practical workbook supports development of social and relationship skills. This intervention runs once a week during form time.


Think Good, Feel Good

Think Good, Feel Good is a practical resource for undertaking Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with children and young people. Think Good, Feel Good covers the core elements used in CBT programmes, as well as mindfulness, compassion focused therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, but conveys these ideas in an understandable way and uses real life examples familiar to them. The concepts introduced to the children can be applied to their own unique set of problems through the series of practical exercises and worksheets.


Motor Skills United

An easy-to-use fun filled programme, designed to develop all areas of motor and perceptual development. The practical activity cards are organised into colours for each skill base, covering hand-eye coordination, eye tracking, bi-lateral integration, core stability and balance, spatial awareness, proprioception and auditory/visual sequencing. Motor Skills United is also suitable for children with milder difficulties. Many other core skills will improve, having a direct effect on learning, concentration and class participation.


Literacy Interventions

Using SATS scores and our own testing data, we identify pupils who have a reading age below the standard required of their actual age. From this data, we decide what level of intervention is appropriate for that child. We must then schedule times for these pupils to receive this much needed intervention until they reach a point where they are reading above standard and in line with how they should be reading at their age.


We have three types of intervention:

Toe by Toe (Level 1)

For those significantly below their expected reading level. Toe By Toe is essentially a decoding book. It trains struggling readers to identify written text, easily and quickly. This enables them to convert letters and words into the appropriate sounds so they speak and pronounce them correctly every time. Pupils on this programme will work on a 1-1 basis with an experienced intervention teacher for 1 hour at least 4 times a week.


Lexonik (Level 2)

For those who are almost at their expected reading level and or have received intervention level 1. This programme uses targeted instruction, fun exercises and activities to develop pupil vocabulary and comprehension - both fundamental to learning how to read with confidence and fluency.  Pupils will work with an experienced intervention teacher in groups no larger than 4 pupils, for 1 hour a week.


Super-Readables Reading Project  (Level 3)

For those who have received either level one or two intervention and are at their expected reading level. The reading project allows them to put their acquired skills into practice and develop their fluency and confidence in reading. Pupils will read and study a book that has been developed in partnership with Barrington Stoke, the experts in producing accessible fiction, Super-Readable Rollercoasters aim to encourage struggling readers and support them to become life-long readers. For this they will be in small groups, no more than 5 pupils, being guided through this text with an experienced intervention teacher.





Emotional Well Being


HART is a short-term provision in school for students with specific social or emotional needs, who require specialised support to return or remain within the school curriculum.

The HART team also acknowledges that Young Carers need extra support and offers a safe space where students come and talk if needed.

Students are also referred to the School Nurse or Beacon Counselling as and when appropriate.


External Agencies


We also work closely with a range of external partners such as the school nurse, Stockport Autism Team, Stockport Ethnic Diversity Service, Sensory Support Service, Stockport Inclusion Team and BEACON.