3 March 2022, 5.15pm – 6.00pm

Dear parent carer,


Re: year 8 Curriculum Choices and Parents Information Event

Year 8 students are arriving at the point in the year when they will start to make some choices about the subjects they will study in year 9. In 2020, following a full review of our curriculum, we made the decision that students would no longer choose their GCSE options at the end of Year 8, though they will have some degree of choice over the subjects they continue into year 9. Students will make their final GCSE option choices at the end of Year 9.

All students will continue to study the core subjects (English, Maths and Science), the EBacc suite of subjects (History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language and Computing) and the non-examined core curriculum (PE, RE and Life Learning). Alongside these they will have a rotation of lessons covering all strands of Technology and the Performing Arts. They will choose one of four Visual Art subjects and the opportunity to select from a list of enrichment subjects, some of which may be completely new to them.


I will be holding an information Evening on Thursday 3rd March. This will be a short presentation followed by an opportunity to answer any questions you may have. The speeches will take place in the main hall at 5.15pm and again at 6pm. The presentation will be available for parents/carers on the website.

Your child will also be coming home with information about these choices over the next couple of weeks, following assemblies and talks in school. They will bring home a booklet containing information about the enrichment subjects to help students  to make an informed choice.

We ask that the Curriculum Choices form is returned to school by Monday 14th March.

As always, we would encourage students to speak to family members, teachers and form tutors for guidance and advice and read carefully the information about each course. I am also available to answer any questions you may have (gillian.kennedy@wernethschool.com)


Yours sincerely






Miss Gill Kennedy

Assistant Headteacher